Friday, April 1, 2011


February was a fun and BUSY month that gave us many memories that we will cherish. We made our final trip back to South Carolina as a family of two. Baby Kate was Christened, we celebrated Nana's 90th, Gigi and Poppy J's birthday and my family and friends hosted a wonderful baby shower for me all within 48 hours. We were also able to see all of our friends from college and also visit with some friends of ours that we met in Orlando who later moved to Greenville. It was a very busy but AMAZING weekend full of family fun! It is hard to believe that the next time we make the haul back to SC that our sweet peanut will be with us :)

We also made a trip to St. Simons Island in late Februrary to celebrate Gigi's 60th Birthday. It was so much fun to have all of the Gaylord family together to celebrate her. Papa Gaylord rented a beautiful condo and it was a nice and relaxing weekend that everyone needed (especially Gigi). Caroline was able to experience her first Gaylord family vacation -- I think she had a great time and we are thankful we will have a cousin for her to play with during our next family vacation.

Our weekends at home in Orlando have been just as busy. It feels like every weekend a friend is having a baby, or their kids are having birthdays, or getting baptized. We are so blessed to have found such a wonderful group of Christian friends to share these special moments with. We really feel like we have found a second family down here and we are so thankful that God has led us to Orlando and has brought these amazing couples into our lives.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Bump!

Mer's belly has started to pop and she is officially in maternity clothes. The picture below was taken around 22 weeks. Scott takes measurements of Mer's belly each week so we can track the growth of our little peanut. Grow Baby Grow!

All About Baby...

I'll take you back to September 2010 which was an exciting month for us as it brought us the news of a wonderful blessing...the news that we are expecting our first baby! 24 weeks later and it still has not hit us yet. God is good! We are so thankful!

Since the moment we found out we were expecting our entire world has been all about baby! Even though it still doesn't feel real the first 11 weeks of constant nausea was a daily reminder that something was happening inside Mer's belly. Nurse Scott took excellent care of Mer those first 11 weeks and continues to do so as this pregnancy brings on different symptoms each week.

We waited until we got the 12 week check-up to share our news with friends and family. We wish we were able to tell everyone in person but it was still exciting to share the news over the phone. We aren't quite sure Sophie (our 2 yr old cock-a-poo) understands that she is about to be dethrowned but I guess she will find out come May! For now, we continue to let Sophie rule the roost.

After finding out about our new addition, the rest of 2010 was all about travleling, mainly back to SC. We are trying to travel around to see friends and family as much as we can now as we know that will soon come to a hault. When we aren't traveling we are enjoying life at home with some great friends in Orlando. Our friends are more like family down here and we are enjoying celebrating this stage of life along with them. There are about seven girls in our crew that our pregnant so you can imagine what our conversations are about these days. The days of chatting about celebrities and fashion have quickly changed into converstaions about stretch marks and vomitting!

The weekends we are home, we are working on decorating our house. We finally started working on the nursery...'we' meaning Scott but Mer (bossy britches) has gained some management experience during this process. Decorating a nursery without knowing the sex of the baby has proven to be somewhat of a nightmare for Mer. We are absolutely certain we will be sick of the color green come May. Here are a few pictures of what we have done so far. We have ordered the bedding and are crossing our fingers that it goes well with the paint....otherwise, Scott will be back at it again!

Here is a picture of Sophie helping her Daddy with the nursery...although, we think she believes the remodel of this room is for her.

Mr. Engineer double checking his math on the placement of the little perfectionsist!

Here we go...

Well, we decided to join the blogging world to keep our friends and family updated about our life down in the sunshine state. 2011 should prove to be an exciting year as we patiently wait to welcome the birth of our first child whose sex remains a mystery...and for now is simply called Baby Gaylord!